Friday, 2 February 2018

Why have I not posted in a while ... Well I will tell you

So, I have received many comments on my little blog here asking why I am not making posts more often and the short reason is because I am being harassed by an “Anonymous” person.

The long answer is I was being harassed by a commenter named Riverbend. I had to restrict all of the comments on my site so that I have to approve every comment before it gets posted on my site. I have asked this person (I do not know if Riverbend or Anonymous is male or female but I am going to use the male identifier from this point forward), I have repeated asked him to stop making negative or irrelevant comments on my site. The requests were repeated ignored.  Eventually I simply marked the comments as spam and eventually the comments stopped. 

In the meantime I decided to look up Riverbend and find out just what his deal is when I found the advertisement to my current business, Falaleu Deli, up on his website and many negative comments associated with my business and Tonga in general. When I tried to ask Riverbend to stop using me and my business in his negativity I found that I was already blocked from commenting or emailing him. This coward would not even respect my wish to be left out of his hate mongering by blocking me before I could even send the request.

Just when I thought it was safe to continue with my hobby of writing in my blog the comments started up again under the identifier “Anonymous”.

Since this coward refuses to identify himself and any way, shape or form I cannot block him from sending comments to me. This obtuse person is so oblivious that he hasn’t even noticed that not one of his hateful, malicious comments have been posted on my site. He just keeps sending them even though I have asked him repeatedly not to post on my site.

I have NOTHING to do with your vendetta against Vava’u, Robert Bryce, Hunga Island or Cocomo Village. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!! Stop commenting on my site.  NO ONE sees them but me and you are only pissing me off!

If you do not have something nice to say please say nothing at all.  I am not at all interested in the view or opinion of someone that does not live in Vava’u …. Which you do not!!!  I have no interest in reading such vile comments such as the one you sent today that featured no less than 112 childish namecalling words that are extremely offensive to me.

I have had no problems with anyone or anything in Vava’u other than Riverbend/Anonymous harassing me online. I have a successful business and a wonderful product that is in demand by locals and tourists alike regardless of what this person (who does not live here) thinks. I am living a dream that most people do not think is possible and I am here to answer questions for the adventurous few that would like to join us … safely and without regret.

For those that have asked me questions on comments and I have not answered please email me at and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions about living in Vava’u. For Mr. Riverbend/Anonymous … please email me so that I may ascertain your IP address and block you from all of my online endeavours.




  1. Hey, you're back!

    Sounds like some very unpleasant business with this loser, Riverbend. As soon as I read the name, I knew who you were talking about. I came across those rantings on their website while researching Vava'u property, Robert Bryce, Gordon Allison/Robert Ashton, and Nesha Rosic and all that nastiness. Just some serious kooks in the world.

    Glad things are going well.

  2. Hey, how are things after the cyclone? I know it was a direct hit to Tongatapu, and much of Nuku'alofa was damaged or destroyed. I was wondering how it effected Vava'u...?

  3. I am sorry to see such destruction, I hope you all the best. I am very interested in moving to Tonga and your posts have been very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.
