Thursday, 30 May 2013

Things are moving fast now

I have been a busy girl!!!!

I have just confirmed that the new flooring for my house (that will be for sale soon) will be arriving on June 7th.  The Auctioneer will be there on June 9th to take away almost everything that I own to be sold at auction.  The guys are coming on the 15th to help with the outside stuff and the girls are coming to help me paint.  We should have the floors installed by the 25th and then the house up for sale by July 1st if everything goes according to plan.

That is when we get to hurry up and wait!  Wait for someone to buy our house.  Once it is sold we are on our way to Tonga!

I am so excited!

When we know when we are going to be there we have people willing to build some Fales (grass huts) on our properties so that we have somewhere to go when we get there until the houses are built.

In the mean time I am getting quotes from shippers to find out how much it will cost me to move what I am taking.  The most costly item is my boat.  I cannot find any information about boats for sale in Vava'u for a small boat (17 - 20 feet).  The only thing I can find are Yachts.  I don't need a yachts, I just need a boat to get from Hunga to Neiafu.  We are also taking our ATV's so we can get from the docks to our property.  I would really hate to walk it and I am not sure if there are any roads that go there.  Something else to build!

In this Link (click here) it gives you some information on the area and lifestyle of island living.  If you are the type to enjoy the company of a couple of people around a fire and watch the sun slowly set then this may be the place for you.  If you need to hussle and bussle of the city, nightclubs, shopping centers, etc. then you will not enjoy these islands for a long stay.



  1. Hey Char. Exciting times. I also have lots in the same place. Would have to have a chat with you and hear about some of your plans. Can you drop me a note at my.5th.eye(at) as I cannot seem to find out how to contact you from the site. Safe travels to you and your family.

    1. Hi there!

      Sorry for the delay in reply but it has been a weird couple of months.

      I am not yet in Tonga but would love to talk to someone else that plans to be there and what your plans are for the adventure.

      If you still want to contact me please email


  2. Hello Char! Any updates? We own a few lots there in Cocomo Village and are wondering if anyone has built a home there yet?

    1. Hi Troy,

      I am not there yet but would really like to contact a fellow lot owner as we will be neighbours one day.

      Please email me at and we can compare notes!


  3. Hi I was actually wondering the same has anyone built anything yet, is it worth buying any plots of land there?

  4. Hi Dayna,

    As far as I know there is nothing there yet but it is definitely worth buying. Why is that you ask? Because Tonga has only been open to major tourism for about 10 years now.

    If you look at the price of other vacation areas in the South Pacific you cannot vacation for a week for the same price as a lot on Hunga. Check the prices of Hawaii or Bora Bora or Samoa. They are established where Tonga is new.

    I personally cannot wait to get there and make a life of anything I want without worrying about all the bills that come with modern living.

    Happy hunting!

