Thursday, 13 April 2017

Getting the garden going

My wonderful and always thoughtful landlord brought me a truck full of prime top soil a while ago so that I can start my own garden in the yard.  So here are Vise (pronounced Veesay) and Barry taking the dirt from the truck in the rain; which they both say is the best time to do any hard work because it cools you down as you work.

After looking at all the things that we buy in the market compared to the ease of growing your own my husband and I wanted to have a small garden in the yard for a few plants that we need for our deli such as Oregano or Basil.  While we were sitting outside with Vise (our landlord) we got into the conversation about growing these items and were to get the seeds from.


Vise just started laughing as us.  We are such funny foreigners I guess.  He brought over all that dirt and made a garden bed for us, grabbed one branch of Rosemary that I bought at the market that day and stuck the cut end of the branch in the ground.

"That is how we grow things here!" he said "We need no seeds!!"

And apparently it is that easy.  Now I have Basil and Oregano growing and I have started some strawberries, grapes, lemons and pomegranate in the small pots that he brought over as well.  I just know that we will have the rest of that garden area growing with more herbs as we find them.  I never thought of just taking stuff we bought and sticking it in the ground.

Barry has been cutting off the top of his pineapples and planting them and now he wants a place to grow potatoes too.  I am so glad that he is the gardening type.  I don't mind gardening but he is the one that prowls the yard every day with a watering can to see if the pineapples are rooted yet or notices if the banana trees have grown any taller.  I am glad to watch and wait for things I can eat to sprout.